Hari: Paratara:


ನಿನ್ನ ಒಲುಮೆಯಿಂದ ನಿಖಿಳ ಜನರು ಬಂದು
ಮನ್ನಿಸುವರೊ ಮಹಾರಾಯ
ಎನ್ನ ಪುಣ್ಯಗಳಿಂದ ಈ ಪರಿ ಉಂಟೇನೋ
ನಿನ್ನದೇ ಸಕಲ ಸಂಪತ್ತು

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.

Every moment, thank God


Sri Hari is Supreme , This world is true, there is a difference between each and every living entity in this world, all the living entities are dependent on Sri hari, Ultimate joy lies in the Mukti and mukti can be attained by gaining Bhakti. Pratyaksha (Direct observation), Anumana (Prediction) and Agama (Vedas) are indeed the real Evidence. Hari is to be perceived in His nature through the Holy Scriptures and only through them.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sri Jagannatha dasaru is known for his MAGNUM-OPUS called the HARIKATHAMRUTASARA- which literally means the essence of the ambrosia of HARI'S saga.

Sri Suvidyendra Theertha Swamiji Lectures on Sri HARIKATHAMRUTASARA

Brief Introduction about Sri Harikathamrutha saara

Harikathamrutha saara by Jagannatha Daasaru is a grand poem extending to thirty two cantos & is written in a highly literary style. Madhvacharya's Dvaitha philosophy was explained to the people in many writings by sanyasis & attracted studies & researches. Sri Jayatheertharu, Sri Vysaraja Theertharu, Sri Raghaventra Theertharu wrote many commentaries. Dvaitha philosophy was carried to the comman man in Kannada by the Dasa as Purandara Dasa, Vijaya Daasa & Gopala Daasa, to name a few. Sri Jagannatha Daasa bridged the gulf between Sanskrit learning & Kannada writing for the benefit of the common man through his magnum opus, Hari KathAmrutha sAra.

Harikatha poetizes "Bhakthi" (devotion, surrender to God) in a lucid manner. A devotee must understand that he cannot realize the presence of God unless he surrenders himself to the Lord.

What use is it if one read, heard, or studied? Unless one immerses oneself in Shri Hari's meditation, nothing is acheived. Harikatha stresses the need to totally surrender oneself to Shri Hari. The Lord should be remembered all the twenty four hours of the day. He should be prayed when asleep & when awake. The entire scheme of man should be oriented to the Lord's service & remembrance. In return, the Lord takes care of the devotee. He becomes the servant of servants to protect the devotee. "Worship the image of Shri Hari" says the Dasaru. Of course, to attain the worshipping state of mind, one has to give up greed, selfishness, & ego.

Hari KathAmrutha SAra is a celestial poem encompasses the great Indian philosophic writings of the Vedas, the Upanishads, & the Geetha. The priciples of man-god relationship enuciated in Brahma Sutra are also
lucidly explained. Jagannatha Daasaru in his Hari Katha repeatedly states that Shri Hari is not easily "seeable," is beyond the reach of the Yogis. Yet by sheer peity, self-surrender & devotion, He can be "seen" & His blessings cherished.

This work consists of 32 Chapters


Summary Description

01 First canto- is devoted to the invocation of all gods, saints and
02 Second canto - is called the canto of compassion (karuna sandhi) this is one of most beautiful cantos. The poet seeks the compassion of the most benevolent HARI. The poet says- Lie down and sing of HARI
respectfully, HE sits and listens; sing sitting, He stands and listens ; you stand , He enjoys and you enjoy singing, HE grants His kindnesses; He is easy to please; This Rama's consort- HARI never leaves his devotees even for a moment. Ignorant people not knowing this suffer in this world.
03 Third canto -(vyapthi-sandhi) deals with all-pervading nature of HARI.
04 Fourth-deals with the various forms of Hari in the food we consume
05 Fifth-explains the presence of Hari in the various aspects of His creations.
06 Sixth- explains the five great fire sacrifices
07 Seventh- refers to the human body of five elements and the gods associated and the forms of HARI
08 Eighth-refers to all parts of the body to enable meditation of the Lord governing each part.
09 Ninth- the unrivalled and unequalled greatness of HARI and how a devotee can understand him.
10 Tenth-explains Hari's presence everywhere in more detail
11 11th.- mentions the forms of worship
12 12th. -explains the divine presence in the veins and muscles
13 13th.-efficacy of prayers
14 14th. and 15th.- worship of one's ancestors
15 14th. and 15th.- worship of one's ancestors
16 16th. and 17th.-explains the dependence of the Jeeva (soul) on the independent HARI
17 16th. and 17th.-explains the dependence of the Jeeva (soul) on the independent HARI
18 18th.-refers to the glorious playful independent HARI and his creation
19 19th- refers to the ways of releasing oneself from the bonds of Karma
20 20th and 21th- the natural heirarchy in the gradation of all living things
21 20th and 21th- the natural heirarchy in the gradation of all living things
22 22th- unqualified surrender to HARI brings about realisation
23 23th, 24th,25th ,26th and 27th.- Explain Taratamya(Heirarchy) among Hari's creation
24 23th, 24th,25th ,26th and 27th.- Explain Taratamya(Heirarchy) among Hari's creation
25 23th, 24th,25th ,26th and 27th.- Explain Taratamya(Heirarchy) among Hari's creation
26 23th, 24th,25th ,26th and 27th.- Explain Taratamya(Heirarchy) among Hari's creation
27 23th, 24th,25th ,26th and 27th.- Explain Taratamya(Heirarchy) among Hari's creation
28 28th.- invocation of Ganapathi
29 29th.and 30th- principles of subtler differentation
30 29th.and 30th- principles of subtler differentation
31 31th- details how the offerings of devotion are to be made to HARI
32 32th. - is prayers to all gods and repeats the supremacy of HARI.


has excellent articles on Sri Harikathamruta Sara. The above information is taken from the postings at above site. There are lots of postings with detailed analysis of each verse. Please visit the site and benefit from it.

Sri Suvidyendra Theertha Swamiji Lectures on Sri HARIKATHAMRUTASARA

Please click below to download the MP3 audio lectures on Sri HARIKATHAMRUTASARA from Sri Suvidyendra Theertha Swamiji



  1. Mp3 tracks audio in kannada by sri suvidyendra teertharu on sri harikathamruta sara please send to my below email

  2. The above link is not working.please share files I used to listen to his pravachana which I miss now.

  3. Pl send the link of the Swamiji's lectures
